Introducing Matrix One: The Decentralized AI Protocol for Creating Interactive 3D AI Characters

Spearheading the Development of Human-like AI Agents

Matrix One
4 min readApr 16, 2024

Artificial intelligence is not just evolving, it’s revolutionizing industries and how we spend our time. Creating and interacting with AIs is becoming part of our everyday experience. It helps us work more efficiently, it entertains us, and it helps us create engaging content and experiences.

But the way we interact with AI should not be controlled by centralized actors, platforms and conglomerates. We should have control over our personal data, the questions we ask, the prompts we define, the characters we create, the conversations we have, and the personas we adopt in our interactions.

We are determined to change the AI landscape by building an equitable, decentralized ecosystem and value chain for all participants creating, utilizing and distributing AI characters. This is why we’re building Matrix One.

What is Matrix One?

Matrix One is AI infrastructure built to enable the creation of human-like AI characters. It provides developers a set of tools and their end users an intuitive interface for crafting interactive 3D characters, offering customization in character backstory, personality, voice, avatar and other qualities. Matrix One creates an equitable economy for its participants, enabling the monetization of contributions within a collaborative ecosystem.

With an advanced infrastructure that includes SDKs, APIs, and an extensive character catalog, Matrix One enables the seamless integration of AI characters into virtual and real-world environments, powered by decentralized storage and compute for a more democratic AI character development.

Why Matrix One?

To understand why we’re developing Matrix One, let’s first identify the problems we’ve observed in existing AI character platforms.

  1. There is a high technical barrier to creating engaging AI characters, which usually requires specialized technical know-how in 3D, AI, and coding as well as access to resources many people do not have.
  2. There is a problem with revenue distribution, where the creators and the end users of these AI characters do not receive any rewards for their contribution.
  3. The AI characters that are available to us lack convincing interactions and personalized responses, which makes them seem less real and limits their usefulness.
  4. Currently, AI characters are stored in centralized databases and can be removed or changed in an instant by platform owners.
  5. There are major concerns about the control and use of user data and how securely these platforms store data and protect your privacy.

Matrix One addresses these challenges by focusing on data ownership, democratization, fair monetization, innovative character interaction, and inclusivity.

In Matrix One, creating AI characters is accessible and fair, enabling creators with no technical know-how to create and use human-like AI characters. The introduction of the $MATRIX token is designed to ensure that creators and developers are fairly compensated based on the value of their contributions.

Matrix One empowers users to own their own data and tokenizing characters, enabling portability and sovereignty over their data. We’re building on the Solana network, taking advantage of their low cost, high-throughput blockchain to deliver the most seamless on-chain experience possible. By partnering with decentralized GPU networks, Matrix One can enable participation from individual GPU owners as well as provide cheaper and more cost-efficient compute, further reducing the barrier to entry and participation in the AI creation process.

If we’re going to have true AI companions, we need them to live on-chain forever and face no censorship resistance or risk character removal or deletion. Matrix One uses Filecoin’s decentralized storage to give users ownership and control over their data, and to increase the platform’s data privacy — efforts that are fundamental to create transparency in Web3.

How Does Matrix One Work?

At the core of the infrastructure are four key scalable, flexible, and efficient modules:

  • Character Studio: A toolkit for crafting AI characters with unique traits and stories.
  • 3D Avatar Visualizer: Enables the creation of interactive 3D avatars.
  • Model Index: A catalog with thousands of LLMs and partners of top computing providers to ensure app developers and users can customize characters efficiently.
  • Character Marketplace: A marketplace for trading AI characters and assets.

This infrastructure can easily integrate new modules, adapting to changing market demands. This approach keeps Matrix One relevant in various areas, including gaming and Web3 applications. Protocol developers, supported by grants from the Matrix One DAO, are crucial in continuously enhancing and expanding the platform’s capabilities.

The Matrix One infrastructure includes protocol modules designed for building AI apps ranging from gaming NPCs to assistant apps.

Matrix One Ecosystem

Decentralized storage protects user data and gives users complete control over their characters and digital assets. This integration ensures that Matrix One is a secure, efficient platform where creatives can innovate without sacrificing control and ownership.

Stay tuned for our points program

Later this week we will announce how Matrix One will be rewarding our early community. Sign up for early access now at, follow us on X to stay up to date on upcoming announcements, and join our Discord and chat with the community.

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Matrix One

Making AI Human - The Decentralized AI Character Protocol. Launching on Solana. Backed by Animoca brands, DCG and more. 1st app Avatar.One.